Young Maria v8.4.0! New scenes

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I'll change my name to MilkyNail soon. Just a reminder

Hello, boys and girls! I already feel better, and let's see what I managed to work on these weeks.
I wrote a lot in the previous post, and, to be honest, I don't have much to add. Well, I want to say thank you to Rachael and WetWorksStrories. They help me a lot:3 Also, the deadline draws near for a man I hired to create the site for me. He's doing a good job. Let's hope we won't have any problems with it.

UPD 8.4.0
- Added a scene "Mother's Toy", made by WetWorksStories. You can find the link to it in the parents' bedroom, every day, between 9 and 15 hours, with a 25% chance. It is a huge scene, and I almost didn't change it. Oh, yeah, you should have more than 30 points of Corruption to see it all
- Improved granddad's chance to run into you at the Farm
- Fixed endlessly adding Ralf's collar. Plus, now you put it on when you receive it
- Finally, added the ability to see who is the father of your baby. It's a bit rough yet..
- And Rachel wrote the first scenes for that system. If your baby's father is your own dad (o-la-la), you have a 66% chance to see the Happy acceptance and 33% chance to see the disappointment in his eyes - Bad reaction
- Added another Dream scene by Rachael - Robbery Gone Wrong
- Worked on some basic passages like Stats or StoryAuthor. Removed "current clothes check" passage from Stats
- Added "Back" links to Stats, Smartphone, Help, and Character Info menus. Mobile players asked me to do this. Okay, here you are
- Worked on some interactions with parents, fixed a couple of silent errors (like wrong clothes reaction)
- Added a picture of the cave (Cave Dream, the one with wolves), made by MidJuChan

Well, be safe and warm! See you next weekend! And thank you again for your patience<3


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how do i go on a date

(4 edits)

Also, I met several errors, like

Error: <<include>>: passage "Sister sitting at the table sisters room" does not exist
Error: <<include>>: passage "Sister sitting in sofa sisters room" does not exist
Error: <<include>>: passage "Sister in brothers bed" does not exist
Error: <<include>>: passage "Sister playing PS4 sisters room" does not exist

The relaxing in the bath take one shampoo, but missing information about it.

Sadly, the sister part is not completed yet. Currently WIP, but thank you. I'll comment this code later:)